The Romans: 

The British island was ruled and populated by celtics, but after conquering France Juluis Caesar had heard Greek myths about a distant island called Britannia and despite his success wanted to see it for himself, so the romans went to Britain and defeated the Vikings and conquered it in 49ad and established a city called Londinium along a river. They built the first London Bridge, they built colosseums, public baths, walls and stone buildings.

Rome ruled England for 400years.


Angles & Saxons:

The Roman Empire had fallen apart and the island was invaded by Germanic tribes Angles and Saxons – the angles called the land Angle-land which became England. The Anglo-saxon tribe took control over the land and set up cities, these tribes converted to Christianity in 604ad (Catholic missionary st Augustine preached there from Rome).

The danish tribes were invading England multiple times but King Alfred the great went to war with the danish Vikings and defeated them. But when Alfred and his son had died there were lots of wars for the island, the danish and the Norwegians were invading but eventually the French Normans came out victorious.



In the battle of Hastings the northern Viking tribe of France the Norman’s won the war against the danish and Norwegians and England was there’s forever, William the conqueror became King and set up his throne in London. From William the conqueror the kings and Queens of England descended.

During this time significant events include

  • 100 year war with France
  • The Black Death killed 1/3 of the people
  • Peasants revolt

After being locked in a tower by her evil step mother, Queen Elizabeth the 1st takes the throne and Britain enters a golden age of culture and wealth.

Art, poetry, literature, drama and theatre was being produced on a level like never before. Queen Elizabeth endorsed writers and artists, and during this era emerged the greatest writer of all time Shakespeare who produced several works of genius setting a new height and standard in theatre and changing literature forever. Queen Elizabeth the 1st endorsed Shakespeare and encouraged him in his career. Some of Shakespeares greatest works include: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Othello, Macbeth, Sonnet 116, Hamlet, The merchant of Venice and A mid summers night dream.

During this time the Spanish Armada tried to invade but were defeated.


Scottish rule:

When Queen Elizabeth the 1st died because she had no children the Scottish ruled and England and Scotland United and King James the 1st ruled England and under him the bible was translated from Latin into English in 1611. And England became a Protestant country During this time guy Fawkes tried to blow up Westminister. And there were civil wars causing a split between the monarchy and the government.

The great fire of London

In 1666 London was burnt to the ground by a great fire that spread across the city. Architects got together and began to rebuild the city and designed it more beautiful than ever and Saint Paul’s Cathedral was rebuilt by Christopher Wren.


Georgian era:

Slowly but surely London was getting richer and more powerful, winning wars and establishing international trade and King George and his sons transformed Britain into a global super power through the British navy and the British empire was the largest empire of all time. Under king George 4th the steam engine was invented and the Industrial Revolution began and the world was about to change forever as machines were introduced into factories and this new method of business Spread to the United States.


Queen Victoria:

Under queen Victoria remarkable things began to happen and Britain entered another golden age, great wealth flooded the country, and London was the biggest city in the world, and built the first underground train, Britain ended slavery by William wilberforce. And Women’s rights were fought for.


World war 1 & 2:

This all ended with world war 1 and after world war 2 Britain was never the same and the empire collapsed. The wealth of the British empire became the Bank of England and London became a financial capital focusing on business, finance and technological advancements.